Glory 3 Live Play By Play

Glory 3 is taking place and we are bringing you live play by
play of the action. Keep refreshing the page to read the live play by play of
the event.

Giorgio Petrosyan, Robin van Roosmalen, Ky Hollenbeck, Sanny Dahlbeck, Tim Thomas, Yoshihiro Sato and more. All of these fighters and more in action tonight. So if you can’t watch this event live for some reason make sure to keep your eyes tuned here to get all your updates and now who wins the Glory 3 Final 8 tournament.

Tournament Reserve Bout:
Dzhabar Akerov vs.Warren Stevelmans

Rd. 1
Askerov fires off a few low kicks to start things of. Both
Askerov and Stevelmans let their hands go. Both fighters standing in the center
of the ring and both attacking, very timely attacks from both fighters. Both
fighters throwing hard leg kicks, but Askerov is also working the body with
punches. A puch from Stevelmans knocks Askerov down. Askerov gets back up and
Stevelmans goes in for the finish but round ends. Have to score it 10-8

Rd. 2
Both fighters go right back to firing strikes. Neither is
holding anything back, but Stevelmans seems to be starting the second round
stronger. Stevelmans seems to be getting the better of Askerov, but Askerov is
firing back with hard punches of his own. Stevelmans is starting to counter
fight. Stevelmans is doing a good job blocking Akerov’s attacks. Close round
10-9 Stevelmans.

Rd. 3
Askerov is coming out hard this round. He probably senses he needs to do something big to win this bout. Stevelmans seems to be slowing down. Askerov teeing off to the body and head with punches, and Stevelmans seems happy just trying to play defense. Spinning heel kick attempted by Askerov as the round is close to ending and then a spinning back fist to end the fight. 10-9 Akserov. 

Result: Warren Stevelmans def. Dzhabar Askerov via Decision

Tournament Reserve Bout:
Fabio Pinca vs. Alessandro Campagna

Rd. 1
Pinca coming out aggressive. Body kicks from Pinca and punches to the head but Campagnaa not afraid to fire back. A lot of back and forth action in a very close round. Good hands by Campagna and Pinca. 10-9 Campagna.

Rd. 2
Campagna looking to use his range but Pinca looking to close the distance. They are starting to clinch now and ref keeps breaking them up. Both fighters swinging with power. Pinca misses a spinning back kick. Pinca looking to close the distance it seems. Pinca misses a spinning back fist as Campagna ducks under. Knee from Pinca and then he catches a low blow. Pinca pressing the action and pushing forward with his hands. 10-9 round for Pinca.  

Rd. 3
Pinca coming out aggressive again. Campagna seems to be slowing down. Campagna catches a Pinca kick and sweeps him. Pinca still pressing forward letting his hands go. Campagna gets taken down by Pinca and then Pinca receives a point deduction for the body lock throw. Pinca still pressing should be ahead on point, so we might see an extra round now. 9-9 after Pinca point deduction.  

Result: Alessandro Campagna def. Fabio Pinca via Decision

Final 8 Tournament Bout:
Giorgio Petrosyan vs. Ky Hollenebeck

Rd. 1
Hollenbeck comes out right away and throws a spinning elbow and gets a warning. Low kick by Petrosyan. Hollenbeck clinching. Counter jab by Petrosyan. Body kick by Petrosyan and Hollenbeck with a knee. Right from Petrosyan catches Hollenbeck off balance. Spinning back fist by Hollenbeck. Petrosyan knocks Ky Hollenbeck with a right hook. He answers the refs count. Petrosyan coming in for the kill. Hollenbeck seems to be recovered now. Petrosyan aggressive letting his hands go. Round ends and 10-8 for Petrosyan. 

Rd. 2
Knee by Petrosyan and they clinch and Hollenbeck falls down and it seems his knee is injured. The ref counts and Hollenbeck can’t continue.

Result: Giorgio Petrosyan def. Ky Hollenbeck via (T)KO (Injury) in Rd. 2  

Final 8 Tournament Bout:
Shemsi Beqiri vs. Davit Kiria

Rd. 1
Kiria and Beqiri both not shy to exchange but Kiria pushing the pace early. Kiria looking to attack the body. Beqiri slips on a spinning kick. Kiria starting to tee off on Beqiri. Kiria easily taking this round as he is going for it. 10-9 Kiria. 

Rd. 2
Kiria continues to press the pace like in the opening round. Beqiri seems like he is not sure what to do with Kiria’s aggression. He is counter fighting but Kiria is just going forward letting his hands fly. Beqiri starts to fire back and lands a nice right hand. Round ends but still 10-9 Kiria.

Rd. 3
Beqiri comes out and throws some low kicks. Beqiri now seems to be trying to push the pace early in the third round. Beqiri letting his hands go now. Kiria firing punches but Beqiri is looking to get back into this fight. Both fighters trading punches. A knee from Beqiri lands. Beqiri seems to be getting the better of Kiria now but it might be too late to win the fight. Round ends and we score it 10-9 Beqiri.

Result: Davit Kiria def. Shemsi Beqiri via Decision  

Final 8 Tournament Bout:
Robin van Roosmalen vs. Tim Thomas

Rd. 1
Robin van Roosmalen stalking Thomas. Leg kicks by van Roosmalen. Thomas fires back a leg kick after he throws a few punches. Thomas attacking the legs and van Roosmalen throwing his hands. Thomas not wanting to stand right in front of van Roosmalen and moving whenever van Roomsalen tries to back him into the ropes. Slow first round. Robin van Roosmalen with a niche punch kick combo. Round ends with a van Roosmalen punch combo. 10-9 van Roosmalen.

Rd. 2
Thomas starts up with a few punches and low kick but van Roosmalen fires back a punch combination of his own. Thomas getting pushed back against he ropes as van Roosmalen is simply moving forward. The hands of van Roosmalen are connecting as he throws some nice combinations. Robin van Roosmalen landing some shots on Thomas and the ref steps in to give him a standing eight count. Another standing eight count after van Roosmalen tees off again and as the fight continues van Roosmalen unloads again and the referee steps in to stop the fight.

Results: Robin van Roosmalen def. Tim Thomas via (T)KO in Rd. 2 

Final 8 Tournament Bout:
Sanny Dahlbeck vs. Yoshihiro Sato

Rd. 1
Sato clearly the larger fighter. Sato pressing the action but no significant strikes landed yet. Leftt hand by Dahlbeck. Leg kick by Sato. Clean left by Dahlbeck lands again. Body kicks from both fighters. Dahlbeck landing some nice counter shots. Left hand of Dahlbeck starting to find its home. Left after left lands from Dahlbeck. Good round for Dahlbeck. 10-9

Rd. 2
 comes out aggressive again. He clinches and throws
knees. Dahlbeck still finding a place for his left hand. Body kick followed by
left hand by Dahlbeck. Sato needs to start defending. He keeps pressing forward
but Dahlbeck’s counter shots are on point. Uppercut form Dahlbeck. Left hand
connects and Sato goes down. He answers the refs count but Dahlbeck is starting
to tee off now  and  Sato falls over after a knee to the body and
the bout is called because Sato did not respond to the referee’s 

Result: Sanny Dahlbeck def. Yoshihiro Sato via (T)KO in Rd. 2

Super Fight:
Alka Matewa vs. Marco Re

Rd. 1
Re the taller fighter. Matewa presses forward but Re clinches and works knees. A lot of clinching early on. Matewa throwing with power. Sweep by Matewa. The aggressor is Matewa and his landing some solid punches. Matewa goes down and then answers the refs count right before the round ends. 9-9 after the knockdown.

Rd. 2
Matewa connects with a punch and drops Re. After the action resumes a spinning back fist from Matewa is blocked by Re. This fight is turning into a brawl. Re not as aggressive as Matewa who keeps coming forward. Sweep by Re. Sloppy second round. 10-8 Matewa.

Rd. 3
Re comes out aggressive in this round. Re lands a knee to the body. Leg kick by Matewa. Re trying to score big in the final moments as Matewa is clearly tired. Matewa gets a standing eight count for getting up very slow. Fight ends. 10-8 round for Re.

Result: Alka Matewa def. Marco Re via Decision

Semi-Final Tournament FIght:
Giorgio Petrosyan vs. Davit Kiria

Rd. 1
Kiria starts off pressing the pace. Body kicks by both. Petrosyan usual counterfight game on point. Leg kicks from Petrosyan. Petrosyan landing cleaner shots on Kiria, but Kiria pressing. 10-9 Petrosyan.

Rd. 2
Petrosyan is landing his kick and punches cleanly. Kiria doesn’t come out as aggressive as before. Petrosyan connecting at will it seems. Right hand by Kiria lands and Kiria gets more aggressive, but Petrosyan fires back with his own strikes. Clean shots being landed by Petrosyan. He is just too slick. 10-9 Petrosyan.

Rd. 3
Petrosyan countering perfectly. Leg kicks by Petrosyan. Kiria pushing forward and lands a right hand. Kiria trying to make something happen as he presses forward but Petrosyan landing his counter shots. Despite Kiria’s efforts Petrosyan is just a step ahead. Knee from Petrosyan and the fight ends. 10-9 round for Petrosyan.

Result: Giorgio Petrosyan def. Davit Kiria via Decision

Semi-Final Tournament FIght:
Robin van Roosmalen vs. Sanny Dahlbeck

Rd. 1
Dahlbeck using a push kick to try to keep van Roosmalen away. Dahlbeck with a knee to the body. Nothing being done by van Roosmalen as Dahlbeck has been able to keep him at range. Dahlbeck working well behind that teep as he counter punches van Roosmalen when he tries to step in. Then an aggressive van Roosmalen gets in and unleashes a flurry but nothing lands clean. Then on another flurry a right hand from van Roosmalen knocks down Dahlbeck. 10-8 round van Roosmalen.

Rd. 2
Dahlbeck working with body kicks early. Right hand by van Roosmalen. Dahlbeck getting aggressive early in this round. Dahlbeck working leg kicks and van Roomsalen again having trouble getting inside and landing shots on Dahlbeck. Nice flurry by van Roosmalen. Dahlbeck with a knee to the body. Good job by Dahlbeck keeping van Roosmalen at bay. A left by Dahlbeck and then van Roosmalen steps in and lands a right uppercut followed by a right hook and knocks down Dahlbeck again as the round ends. He makes it out of the round again.10-8 van Roosmalen.

Rd. 3
Robin van Roosmalen looking to finish this fight in the third round. Dahlbeck goes down for a third time from what looks to be a body shot and this time he does not get up.

Result: Robin van Roosmalen def. Sanny Dahlbeck via (T)KO in Rd. 3  

Super Fight:
Jordan Watson vs. Mustapha Haida


Rd. 1
Leg kicks by both fighters. Low kicks from Watson followed bya kick to the body. Haida connects with an uppercut. Body kick by Watson and then he unloads some punches and knees. Watson teeps Haida and he falls down. Watson pushing the page and the round ends. 10-9 Watson.

Rd. 2
Haida comes out letting his hands go. Watson fires back with low kicks. Body kicks by Watson. Haida with a flurry, but Watson avoids any significant shots from landing. Watson
lets his hands go and connects with a three punch combo. Watson with a jumping roundhouse kick. Another round for Watson 10-9.

Rd. 3
Hug to start the round off. Haida comes in swinging but nothing lands. Body kick by Watson. Kick by Watson lands to the body, Watson controlling the page now and landing kicks. Haida seems to be tired and Watson is now starting to tee off. Watson starting to cruise now as it is evident that Haida is tired. Body kick by Watson. Watson with another body kick and the fight ends. 10-9 Watson.

Result: Jordan Watson def. Mustapha Haida via Decision

Tournament Final:
Giorgio Petrosyan vs. Robin van Roosmalen

Rd. 1
Both fighters start off with low kicks. Robin van Roosmalen looking to get inside but as usual Petrosyan looking good with his counter fighting. Solid low kick by Petrosyan. Despite his efforts van Roosmalen is unable to land anything on Petrosyan as he slips his punches. Petrosyan landing clean with his punches. Push kick by Petrosyan and round ends. 10-9 Petrosyan.

Rd. 2
Petrosyan keeps his counter game going as van Roosmalen is looking to get inside and land one of those powerful punches. Right hand by van Roosmalen gets in. Petrosyan is still effectively counter fighting with his punches, but van Roosmalen is blocking a lot of them. Leg kick from van Roosmalen. Petrosyan working with a teep then throws a knee to the body. Le g kick by Petrosyan causes van Roosmalen to stumble. Uppercut by van Roosmalen sneaks in. Round ends and 10-9 to Petrosyan.

Rd. 3
Petrosyan lands a kick then he follows it up with some punches. Petrosyan lands with a knee and van Roosmalen tries to land a punch but Petrosyan avoids it. Petrosyan with a body kick after a punch combo. Leg kick by van Roosmalen. Nice body shot by van Roosmalen. Petrosyan continues to land counter punches and it seems this fight is out of reach for van Roosmalen unless he can land a power shot to end the fight. Petrosyan closing the distance now and van Roosmalen tries to land some big shots but Petrosyan is able to avoid them and the fight ends. 10-9 Petrosyan.

Result: Giorgio Petrosyan def. Robin van Roosmalen via Decision to win the Glory 154lb tournament