Fight Card:
Jamal Ben Saddik vs. Uku JürjendalChico Kwasi (c) vs. Teodor Hristov (For Glory Welterweight Championship)
Cem Caceres vs. Mory Kromah
Michael Boapeah vs. Ibrahim El Bouni
Hamicha vs. Calmente Mendes
Robin Ciric vs. Mehidi Ait El Hadj
Bobo Sacko vs. Ahmad Chikh Mousa
Denis Wosik vs. Matthan Choinard
Andres Santos vs. Chris Wunn
Don Sno vs. Ismail Ayaadi
Soufian El Hammouchi vs. Anotonio Krajinović
Iliass Hammouche vs. Mesud Selimović
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