Super Kombat “New Heroes 5” set for August 30th in Romania

Super Kombat has been on a world tour hosting events in Croatia, Brazila, Austria, and the United Arab Emirates. The next stop will he Targoviste, Romania on August 30th for “New Heroes 5”.

No fights have been confirmed for the event, but it is expected to feature a Romania vs. Europe theme. Romanian fighters Andrei Stoica, Bogdan Stoica, and Ionut “Pitbull” Atodiresei are all expected to fight at the event in as well as Amansio Paraschiv, Cristian Milea, Danut Hurduc, Claudiu Badoi, Cristian Ristea, Ciprian Schiopu, Stefan Szomoru, Catalin Sacagiu, Flavius Boiciuc, and Daniel Lazar.

As soon as match ups for Super Kombat “New Heroes 5” we will make sure to have you updated.