SHREDbyCROM™: 10 Week Battle Ready Nutrition Program Blog 1

by Nathan Aripez
This is my first blog entry for what I expect to be a great lifestyle change for myself. For those not familiar with me, my name is Nathan and I run I love Muay Thai and Kickboxing and providing the best information available on the sport. I first started training Muay Thai when I was 20 years old, and now at 31 I am nowhere near the shape I was in back then. As the years go by the distance between myself and training becomes greater and so has my gut, life just gets in the way. I really noticed the change about 3 or 4 years ago when I stopped being active as my day job and website duties made it hard for me to get in the gym. 
Aside from not having time to train, I love to eat food and that has made things worse. I finally decided enough was enough and I reached out to Chris Romulo who had been contributing some great fitness and nutrition articles to Muay Thai Authority. We decided to do this blog with his SHREDbyCROM™: 10 Week Battle Ready Nutrition Program and use me as the subject. I looked at it as the perfect way for me to get back in shape and live a healthier lifestyle. Being that my journey would be documented; having people read my blog weekly would hold me accountable.
Chris and his team, Sarah Romulo and Marycatherine (MC) are great. Being that they are in New York and I am in California we had a phone conference where they explained how the entire program would work. They sent me a detailed guide structured for my first week on what I could eat and what workouts to do.
Week one started out rough, but I was prepared as they explained to me that the first few days would be hard because I was going to be taking in less carbohydrates than I was used to. I was the type of guy that got to the point of basically eating 3 things, burritos, cheeseburgers (with fries), and pizza. I decided I was focusing on sticking to the diet and not what I was eating so I made very basic meals for the week that I prepared in advance. I wasn’t thinking about how good the food tasted just making it past the week. 
I felt really tired the first 3 days from Monday to Wednesday because of this I was only able to work out one day. I tried to go to bed as early as possible so I would not be thinking about food. I was getting plenty of food but not the fatty greasy food that I was used to. It was lean meats and vegetables that I was eating now.
Thursday I started having a bit more energy and by the weekend I was feeling like a champion. I had been planning my earned meal all week. They don’t call it a cheat meal on this program because cheating is something you’re not supposed to be doing, an earn meal you achieve by being dedicated and working hard, and therefore you should not feel guilty. I was feeling so great on Saturday that when I got to the restaurant instead of ordering what I originally intended to order (which was a great huge sandwich at this restaurant called The Mill by my house) I opted for an omelet and some potatoes that were a normal portion size. I felt like I had done so well and I didn’t want one crazy meal to send things out of control. 
I ended the week strong with some exercise and was able to continue to eat well the rest of the weekend. I went shopping for the second weeks supplies after Chris sent me the updated plan for week 2, and I prepped everything at home on Sunday. What made the first week easier was the plan was simple. I am not nutrition expert and the plan laid out how it should work and I just stuck to it. If I had a question I messaged the CROM team and they would tell me if I could do or not do what I was thinking about. I have tried to do things like this before on my own and after a few days it is easy to fall off, but I know it is time for a change and with my mind set and the CROM team behind me I am more than 100% sure I will succeed. Now I am looking forward to the new exercises that the plan calls for and this week upcoming week I am actually trying to get creative with meals.
I started by weighing in at 243.4 LBS on Monday 11-16-2015 and when I weight in Monday 11-23-2015 my weight was at 232.6 LBS. The CROM teamed prepared me by informing me that the first week weight loss would be fast, but as you start getting leaner as the program goes by it will get a little harder as your body starts adapting. I am definitely pumped for week 2 after those week 1 results.
SHREDbyCROM™ Goal Tracker:
FEELING: Great! First few days were tough, but now I am more focused and determined after seeing the results.
You can get the SHREDbyCROM™: 10 Week Battle Ready Nutrition Program at