Ryan Madigan and Stephen Richards will no longer be fighting at Bangkok Fight Night: Annihilation tonight in Atlanta, GA. Madigan informed MuayThaiAuthority.com that the Georgia Athletic Commission informed him at the weigh-ins that he needed new blood work and that they had informed promoter Khunpon on Monday about this.
Madigan looked into getting the blood work done in Georgia but refused to pay $400 dollars to get the blood work done.
“Khunpon knew since Monday and never called to tell me that I needed to get more up to date blood work done. In Ohio I could have got my blood work done for $69 bucks. Khunpon tells me to run down to this hospital and get it done” said Madigan. “I call this place and they were going to charge me $399 dollars for my blood work. I was only making $800 to fight and $300 to win. I was not paying $400 dollars for blood work that he knew I had to get done on Monday and I could have got it done in Ohio for $69 so there will be no fight tonight. Sorry to all my friends and family.”
Madigan is from Ohio and fought a boxing match there last week. His blood work was good for the Ohio athletic commission.