Also on the fight card Tiffany Van Soest, Kevin Ross, and Ognjen Topic will all be in action.
Round 1
Andrada comes out pressing the action. Both fighters exchanging leg kicks. Leg sweep send Andrada to the canvas. Andrada really looking to work leg kicks. Ruiz and Andrada meeting head on with neither backing away. Clinch and both working knees. Nice boxing from Andrada. A short right hand knocks Ruiz down and he doesn’t beat the count. Andrada wins by knockout.
Official Result: Jason Andrada def. Erik Ruiz via KO at 2:59 of Rd. 1
Paowarit Sasiprapa vs. Ognjen Topic
Round 1
Paowarit starts off with a leg kick. Both fighters are starting slow. Nice jab by Topic. Nice exchange then a head kick knocks Paowarit down. Paowarit back up and beats the count. They clinch but not much action. Nice jab by Topic again. Topic tosses Paowarit to the canvas. Nice elbows form Topic and he is really getting into a groove now. Round ends and clearly Topic off to a good start.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-8 for Topic.
Round 2
Topic using his hands well. Topic tosses Paowarit to the canvas again. Left hook from Paowarit. They clinch and some knees exchange. Paowarit a lot more aggressive this round. Nice head and body combination by Paowarit. Topic size is definitely giving him an advantage against the smaller Paowarit. They clinch and exchange knees again. It seems Paowarit is starting to dictate the pace. Paowarit letting his hands go but a nice head kick by Topic drops Paowarit again and the round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-8 for Topic.
Round 3
A head kick by Topic knocks Paowarit down to start the round and the referee stops the bout.
Official Result: Ognjen Topic def. Paowarit Sasiprapa via KO (Head Kick) at 0:07 of Rd. 3
Bernie Mendieta vs. Kevin Ross
Round 1
Mendieta with a leg kick. Ross lands a clean right hand. Leg kicks by Ross. Front kick by Mendieta. Clinch and they exchange knees. Ross getting the better of Mendieta in the clinch with knees tot he body. Leg kick by Mendieta. Left hook by Mendieta lands. Both fighters exchanging shots. A little taunt from Mendieta. A teep to the face from Ross. Leg kick by Mendieta.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Ross.
Round 2
Ross starts with a combination. Mendieta fires back. Spinning back elbow by Mendieta misses. Ross looks just a little faster than Mendieta. Jab by Mendieta. Ross lands a leg kick. Right hand from Mendieta lands. Nothing clean really landing. Elbow from Mendieta lands. Mendieta landing some punches. Ross defending well though. Mendieta pushing the pace right now. Right hand by Mendieta as the round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Mendieta.
Round 3
Overhand right by Ross starts the third round. Ross dumps Mendieta to the mat. Leg kick by Mendieta. Teep tot he face of Ross lands. Knees to the body by Mendieta. Mendieta pushing the pace. Right hand and left by Mendieta land. Ross is looking tired. Nice punches from Mendieta land. Right hand from Mendieta lands again. Head kick by Mendieta just misses. Clinch and short elbow from Mendieta. Leg kick by Mendieta. Elbow by Ross cuts Mendieta under the eye and round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Mendieta.
Round 4
Both fighters start exchanging punches. Mendieta pressing the action. Leg kicks and punches by Mendieta and they clinch but nothing happens. Overhand right by Ross lands. Sweep by Ross. Mendieta clinches and lands an elbow. Ross looks tired, but Mendieta is not pressing as much as earlier. Leg kick by Mendieta followed by a punch. Right hand by Mendieta lands and then a leg kick they clinch and not much and the round ends. Close round.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Mendieta.
Round 5
Final round starts and Ross starts with kicks but Mendieta moves forward with punches. They clinch and not much happening. Leg kicks exchanged. Punches and leg kicks by Mendieta. Two kicks by Ross. Right hand by Mendieta. Clinch and they both go to the canvas. Clinch and knees to the body by Mendieta. Leg kick by Mendieta. Knee to the body and a punch land by Mendieta. Knee tot he body by Mendieta and an elbow. They clinch but nothing happens. Ross misses the Saenchai kick. Mendieta pressing the action. Ross looking tired.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Mendieta and the fight 49-46 for Bernie Mendieta.
Official Result: Kevin Ross def. Bernie Mendieta by Split Decision
Natalie Yip vs. Tiffany Van Soest
Round 1
Leg kick by Van Soest to start things off. Van Soest coming out aggressive. Leg kick by Yip. They clinch and Yip tosses Van Soest to the canvas. Body kick by Van Soest and they clinch. Slow round not much action but Van Soest dictated the pace.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Van Soest.
Round 2
Teep to the face by Yip. Leg kick by Yip. Clinch and knees by Yip. Clinch and the ref breaks it up. Head kick by Van Soest sneaks in. Right hand by Van Soes and then a strong sweep. Clinch and knee to the body by Yip. Uppercut by Van Soest. Leg kick by Yip and right hand by Van Soest. Right hand by Van Soest as the round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Van Soest.
Round 3
Leg kick by Van Soest. Leg kick sweep by Van Soest. Clinch but not much action. Right hand by Van Soest. Body kick by Yip. Clinch and knees from Yip. Right hand and a left hook by Van Soest. Van Soest is clearly in control.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Van Soest.
Round 4
Right hands by Van Soest and they clinch and she lands an elbow. Right hand by Van Soest again and then followed by a jumping knee. Right hand by Van Soest and they clinch and an elbow lands by Van Soest. Right hand by Van Soest lands as Yip throws a kick. RIght hand by Yip. This fight is all Van Soest. Right and left connect as the round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Van Soest.
Round 5
Clinch and knees from Yip then some from Van Soest. Body kick by Yip. Right hand lands after a spinning back fist from Van Soest. Clinch again and an elbow by Van Soest sneaks through. Leg kicks by Van Soest. Elbows by Van Soest. Fight ends and Van Soest controlled the whole bout.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Van Soest and the fight 50-45 for Van Soest.
Official Result: Tiffany Van Soest def. Natalie Yip by Unanimous Decision
Artem Levin vs. Simon Marcus
Round 1
Low kick checked by Levin. Leg kick by Marcus and he is pressing the pace. Clinch and Simon starts with short knees. Jab by Levin. Clinch again and they break up as they almost fall out of ring. Body shot by Levin. Clinch and again they almost go over the ropes. Hooko by Levin. Body shot from Marcus. Elbow from Levin. Clinch and its a war as they fight for position. Knees from Marcus. They fall to the canvas. Left hoook from Marcus. Spinning elbow by Levin is blocked by Marcus. Clinch and a left elbow lands at the end of the round.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-10.
Round 2
Leg kicks by Marcus checked by Levin. Punch by Marcus lands and Levin’s mouth piece fell out and Marcus getts aggressive trying to take avantage. They break so Levin can get his mouth piece. Leg kick by Marcus. Jab by Marcus and they clinch. Strong throw by Marcus Right hand by Marcus as he moves in and an elbow by Levin lands. This is a war. Clinched against the ropes and Simon tosses Levin tot he canvas. Clinch again and knee to to the midesction by Marcus lands. Marcus working hard in the clinch. Trip by Levin and he gets warning for using the heel from the referee. Knee by Levin. Jab by Levin. Clinch again and elbow from Levin. Leg kick by Marcus answered by Levin with a leg kick. Round ends in the clinch.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Marcus.
Round 3
Round kicks traded to start the round. Nice combo from Levin. They clinch and short knee from Levin before they are broken up. Leg kick by Marcus. Left punch from Levin lands. Clinch and knee to the body from Marcus. They are battling from position in the clinch. Action back to the center of the ring and front kick from Levin lands. Clinch again and knees from Marcus to the legs of Levin. Knees to the body by Marcus. Elbow by Levin blocked by marcus. Clinch and knee from Levin. Marcus returns the favor with a knee and a late shot lands by Levin.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Marcus.
Round 4
Push kick by Levin and leg kick by Marcus. Jab from Levin gets through. Clinch and elbow from Marcus lands followed up by some knees. Marcus is landing consistently with knees from the clinch. Punch by Levin lands as they break. Clinch but they are broken up right away. Leg kick by Marcus lands. Leg kick lands again from Marcus. Elbow from Levin lands and they clinch. Short elbow from Marcus lands in the clinch and Levin lands one when they break. Body shot from Levin lands. Jab and leg kick from Levin land. Levin is starting to find a home for his punches. Marcus looking to get back in to the clinch and he does. A few knees land as they battle for position. Spinning back fist as the round ends.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Marcus.
Round 5
Marcus comes out with a combination that finds its way through Levin’s guard. Clinch and they battle for position. Knee from Levin in the clinch. Levin working some knees to the legs of Marcus in the clinch. Jab by Levin. Another jab by Levin and Marcus fires back a kick that is caught by Levin. Marcus pushing the pace and they clinch again. Marcus throwing knees and they are broken up. Right hand by Levin. They are battling for every inch. Jab by Levin lands. Levin tries a push kick but Marcus just walks through it and they clinch Spining back fist by Levin grazes Marcus and fight is over. All the rounds were close, but it seems the clinch for Marcus might be the difference.
Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Marcus and the fight 50-46 for Marcus.
Official Result: Simon Marcus def. Artem Levin via Unanimous Decision