Kevin Ross talks upcoming fight with Bernie Mendieta at Lion Fight 9

Our friends over at conducted an interview with Kevin Ross about his upcoming fight with Bernie Mendieta. You can check out the interview on their website here, but you have to know how to read Polish. You can read the interview in English below.

Kevin will be fighting Bernie Mendieta at Lion Fight 9 tonight in Las Vegas. The event can be seen on AXS TV if you can’t make it out Vegas.

Kickboxing24: You have a big fight coming on the march 15th for the Lion Fight Promotion. Saw some of your pad work recently and it seems like you are in the shape of you life. Was it a tough training camp for you?

I try to stay in pretty good shape year round just because I never know when fights will come up. Training for this camp had its challenges just like they all do but overall it went really well and I’m looking forward to putting on a show Friday. 
Kickboxing24: Did you do a research on your upcoming opponent Bernie Mendieta? If yes, what are his biggest strengths in your opinion?
Kevin: Well there’s not much out there on him as far as video’s go, other than a few clips. My friend Justin Greskiewicz fought him a few years ago and basically confirmed what I had seen from the videos. He’s tough and likes to move forward, which should make for a great fight.

You trained in Thailand, what are the main differences between training there and in United States? 

Kevin: This was my 6th time training in Thailand and basically the biggest difference between there and here is the fact that everyone that is training is there to get ready for fights, for the most part. Whereas here in the states you have people taking classes, people doing it for fitness, for fun, things like that. So it’s just really a different atmosphere, more intense, more serious.  

Kickboxing24: Obviously when it comes to martial arts it feels like it’s all about MMA these days. Do you think muay thai (which is no doubt super exciting) can make it big in US?

I think it can and will make it big here, it’s just a matter of time. Lion Fight is definitely leading the way and showing other promotions how it can and should be done. Hopefully more shows will continue to step their game up and the fighters will have more opportunities, it’s a win win for everyone, promotions, fans, fighters, etc.

Kickboxing24: You have trained with both of the Diaz brothers. How do you rate their stand-up game?  

Kevin: Their boxing is hard to deal with. They just have one of those styles that no one can really emulate because it won’t work for anyone else. But it works for them as they have proven over and over again. I would say the one hole in their stand up game they have is in their kick defense but their toughness and resilience usually gets them through any troubles they have had in that department.  

Kickboxing24: Do you think training martial arts is a good way to go for troubled kids? How training muay thai affected you?

Kevin: I think it can be one of the best ways. I’ve seen it time and time again, completely change kids, as well as adults, lives. It saved my life without a doubt. I was an alcoholic, partying every day, wasting my life, going down a very dark downward spiral, and muay thai completely turned my entire life around. I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for muay thai.

Kickboxing24: Many people are inspired by you, does their faith add an extra drive during your preparations and fights?

Kevin: It gives me more motivation then they could ever know. Every time someone tells me I’ve inspired them or helped them in some way it not only surprises me but pushes me to do better and more every time.

Kickboxing24: Tell us a little bit about K-HERO project. Why are you supporting the cause?

Kevin: K-hero is an amazing company that benefits cancer research. I got involved with them around the time the company was starting up. I think anytime you can give back, especially to a great cause like this, you should and I’ve been very blessed to be a part of this company for all these years

Kickboxing24: What are your main goals for 2013?

Kevin: My goals have basically been the same from the start of my career. Fight the best people I can, improve as much as I can and put on the best fights that I can every time I get in there, win, lose or draw. Obviously this year I had to take a slight step back and have some so called “tune up fights”, even though I don’t believe in tune up fights, I take every fight very seriously, anything can happen in there. That being said I do hope to be back fighting the top ten type fighters later in the year.

Kickboxing24: Do you know anything about Poland? Maybe a shout-out to polish fans out there?

Kevin: Not really but I want all my Polish fans as well as all my fans across the world to know much they truly mean to me. You guys keep me pushing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your support all these years.

Kickboxing24: Thank you very much for the interview and best of luck to you on march 15 th I’m more than sure we are going to see a great fight!

Kevin: Thank you, I’m looking forward to it.