Kevin Ross NOT signed to fight at Glory 8’s “Slam” tournament in Japan

Glory sent out a press release yesterday (February 28, 2013) stating that Kevin Ross would be competing at Glory 8 in Japan as part of an 8-man one night “Slam” tournament. The management of Ross how informed Muay Thai Authority that Ross has NOT signed a contract to fight in Japan at Glory 8. Ross is expected to be back in action at Lion Fight’s May event.

This is the second time in the last two months that Glory has sent out a press release without having a signed contract from the fighter. In January a press release was sent out that stated Simon Marcus would be fighting Steven Wakeling at Glory 5 in London, but as everyone later found out Marcus will be fighting Artem Levin at Lion Fight 9 and Wakeling is now fighting Eddie Walker at Glory 5. Hopefully this does not continue to be the trend for Glory because fans are the ones that lose out. They get excited for a bout and then it ends up not happening.