MTA: Big fight at Lion Fight 9 against Kevin Ross. How has training for the fight been going?
Bernie: Yeah training has been going so well! Been absolutely beasting it! Got a lot of good guys around me and everyone is helping me!
MTA: How familiar with Kevin are you?
Bernie: I’ve seen loads of his fights and studied him well! I like his style!
MTA: If you had to list one thing as his strong point what would it be and how do you plan to counter it?
Bernie: He’s a very aggressive fighter, so am I. So we will clash in the ring which will be exciting to watch!
MTA: Looking at his style of fighting where do you feel you will have an advantage in the fight?
Bernie: Like I said his style is aggressive and he likes to keep coming forward so I plan on matching him by coming at him even more! And pushing and controlling the fight with my pure aggression.
MTA: Kevin has a strong following in Las Vegas, as a fighter what goes through your mind when you fight someone in their hometown and the crowd is clearly against you, does it affect you at all?
Bernie: I love the fact that I’m fighting him in his hometown! I prefer to fight on away shows. I love the added pressure it keeps me more motivated and determined to win.
MTA: Can we get a prediction for the fight?
Bernie: It’s going to be an awesome fight, a Great War. I’m going to bring it!
MTA: Any words for your supporters?
Bernie: Thanks to all my supporters! Friends and family! I love and appreciate all your support! Follow my twitter @bernieBDM for all the latest info and latest results etc! Thanks