Bernie Mendieta talks upcoming fight with Kevin Ross at Lion Fight 9

Bernie Mendieta (@bernieBDM) will be fighting Kevin Ross (@dasoulassassin) at Lion Fight 9 on March 15 in Las Vegas. Mendieta is a WBC Muay Thai UK champion and will look to bring his entertaining fight style to fans in the United States. Not one to back down, there should be fireworks in his fight with Ross because they both like to move forward. Bernie was kind enough to answer a few questions for Muay Thai Authority about his upcoming fight with Ross.

MTA: Big fight at Lion Fight 9 against Kevin Ross. How has training for the fight been going?

Bernie: Yeah training has been going so well! Been absolutely beasting it! Got a lot of good guys around me and everyone is helping me!

How familiar with Kevin are you?

I’ve seen loads of his fights and studied him well! I like his style!

If you had to list one thing as his strong point what would it be and how do you plan to counter it?

Bernie: He’s a very aggressive fighter, so am I. So we will clash in the ring which will be exciting to watch!

Looking at his style of fighting where do you feel you will have an advantage in the fight?

Like I said his style is aggressive and he likes to keep coming forward so I plan on matching him by coming at him even more! And pushing and controlling the fight with my pure aggression.

MTA: Kevin has a strong following in Las Vegas, as a fighter what goes through your mind when you fight someone in their hometown and the crowd is clearly against you, does it affect you at all?

Bernie: I love the fact that I’m fighting him in his hometown! I prefer to fight on away shows. I love the added pressure it keeps me more motivated and determined to win.

Can we get a prediction for the fight?

Bernie: It’s going to be an awesome fight, a Great War. I’m going to bring it!

MTA: Any words for your supporters?

Bernie: Thanks to all my supporters! Friends and family! I love and appreciate all your support! Follow my twitter @bernieBDM for all the latest info and latest results etc! Thanks