John Wayne Parr: Doing it not only for himself, but also for the kids

John Wayne Parr is one of the most decorated Muay Thai fighters of our time; no one can question his resume, his work ethic, or his skill. There is one thing however, that Parr would love to accomplish before he retires, beat Yodsanklai.

Parr has fallen short on the judges score cards in two previous bouts with Yodsanklai, but in October he will have a third opportunity to beat the Thai legend. Leading up to the third encounter between these two legendary fighters, Parr isn’t taking a break he is currently training for a fight September 11th against Bruce Macfie. Parr won’t have much time to rest as he will begin his training for his fight with Yodsanklai immediately after the Macfie fight.

Parr admits that he was looking to show he wasn’t afraid of Yodsanklai in first two fights which could have worked against him.

“The first two fights I rushed a little wanting to prove I wasn’t afraid of the Thailand star, too many people only fight him to survive but I wanted to show I was there to give him the fight of his life.” Parr said. “This time I am planning to slow down a little and sit down on my shots more.”

Parr knows that any error made against Yodsanklai could be the difference between winning and losing the bout. Not falling behind early is key for Parr, and he feels that falling behind early hurt him in the previous two fights. Parr hasn’t forgotten the first two bouts, but because he knows he must not make the same mistakes.

“Both fights I got dropped early putting me behind the cards both times, this time I have to make sure I make no mistakes while Yod is fresh as that is when he is most dangerous.” Parr said. “There are so many things I must work on this time around as I don’t want to lose to him again.”

Anyone in combat sports would love the opportunity to avenge any loss, but for Parr it goes beyond that, it his personal quest to be a legend. There is no doubt that if Parr were to retire this second, he would be a considered a legend, but he himself wants kids to be able to look up to him as he looked up to Ramon Dekkers.

When asked if beating Yodsanklai was a personal mission of his, Parr stated…

“Yeah mate, Yod in my eyes is the Manny Pacquiao of Muay Thai. Beating Yod before I retire in a year or so would definitely cement me as one of the best in Muay Thai in this era and I hope kids can look up to me like I looked up to Ramon Dekkers.”

Having the personal challenge of defeating Yodsanklai, Parr knows that it will be difficult finish the Thai dynamo. So what is his prediction for the fight?

“Yod is one tough dude so it would take a miracle to knock him out, after 5 rounds I hope I have scored enough points to take the win, but only after a 5 round war.” said Parr.

Parr is a man on a mission, be he doesn’t look at it as something personal with anyone else when stepping into the ring, its just business. Well except for one person, when asked about fights being business or personal he did state that there was on guy he didn’t like.

“The only person I have ever not liked when fighting was Rafik from The Contender Asia, everyone else I am always happy to have a chat to at weigh-ins and after the biff have a chat and talk about what injuries we gave each other.” Parr said. “Once you fight someone you share an unspoken bond with that person forever.”

So what the does Parr have planned for the future? Well he can remain busy with his gym, Boonchu. He has a team of fighters that are busy every weekend, as well as his wife Angela Parr also competing.

“I love watching her fight. She was a super star before I met her so I know she can handle being in the deep end.” Parr said. “Angie has some great skills, she can switch hit moving from orthodox to southpaw without losing a beat and packs power in everything she throws.”

Parr looks forward to every one of his team’s fights, the team includes talents such as; cruiser weight/heavy Thor Hoopmann, light weight Flip Street, super light weight Mark Sarrcino, jr featherweight Sarah O’Connor, light heavy Daniel Jones, light weight Daniel Ketley, and 15 year old featherweight Ben Mahoney (his next star).

Once he hangs up his gloves Parr looks forward to staying involved in the sport. As he put it he wouldn’t mind being the “Bas Rutten of Muay Thai.” He also wants to present the opportunity he had to the kids. Parr was able to live in Bangkok for 4 years, and he credits being able train with some of the best in the sport as part of what helped him become one of the best. Parr learned from his experience in Thailand that you can’t show pain or weakness.

“I moved there in 1996 back when it wasn’t the in thing to do. Muay Thai was still at a high at Lumpinee and Rajdumnern and I got to train with some of the best in the sport. After training and watching so many great fights you learn you have to be tough and not show any pain otherwise the game is over.” Parr said. “I also rate my defense pretty good, after many fighters realize they cant get many shots in the first two rounds, I can see their game plan change and they start to doubt themselves, soon as I see that I know I have the mental edge and I take advantage.”

John Wayne Parr is a man trying to cement his personal legacy, and beating Yodsanklai is part of his mission. You might say he’s already a legend, but he wants to do it for the kids. He wants to be a role model for the kids like Ramon Dekkers was for himself growing up, and that is one thing that sets Parr apart from most, it’s not just about himself, its also about the young fighters, the kids that look up to him.