Preston Baptiste talks upcoming bout with Sean Mckinnon at Journey Fight Series VIII

Preston Baptiste (@OronoJr) will be fighting Sean McKinnon this Saturday at Journey Fight Series VIII. The winner of the fight will advance to face wither Shane Campbell (@ShaolinStyleMMA) or Troy Sheridan (@SheridanMMA) at the Journey Fight Series 160lb tournament final early next year. Preston took time from his busy schedule to answer a few questions for Muay Thai Authority.

MTA: You are fighting Sean McKinnon in the Journey 160lb semi finals. How do you feel about the match up?

I feel good about it. It’s the fight that I wanted before names were even drawn so I’m glad I got my wish.

How familiar are you with Sean as a fighter?

Preston: I’m pretty familiar. We’ve fought before as amateurs, and I saw his last fight against Rhys. He hasn’t really changed much since we last fought from what I’ve seen, he’s still very aggressive and he just teeps more than he used to.

MTA: Where do you think you have the advantage in the fight?

Preston: Well if I told you wouldn’t I just be giving away my game plan?!?! Lol just kidding I really don’t care. My speed and footwork are my advantage, along with one other thing that stands out to me but I will not name it just yet… I guess that means I do care???… Next question…

MTA: Are you one to study video on your opponents and how important do you think it is?

Nah usually I don’t watch my opponents videos. I figure that if I do, and I familiarize myself with a certain style that the fighter had, what will happen if he decides to fight in a style I didn’t prepare for? So to me it’s not really important.

MTA: Can we get a prediction for the fight?

Preston: My prediction is that someone is going to get punched and kicked real hard, and that everyone watching will love it.

MTA: If you make it to the finals do you have a preference on who you face, Troy Sheridan or Shane Campbell?

Preston: I don’t really care who I fight. Shane was someone I looked up to when I was getting started in the amateur scene, but Troy lately has been on a tear lately. Both of these fights would be incredible, so bring on whoever and I’d be ready.

MTA: Who do you think will win the match between Sheridan and Campbell?

I think Troy might pull off an upset. If he’s anything like me, he’ll be feeding off of the doubters and using it to push through the fight.

MTA: Any words for your supporters?

Preston: I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to my fans, friends and family. Knowing that you guys are there supporting me is what pushes me through the fight. So thank you. Even if you don’t like me, and you watch my fights for some reason, thank you too, cause you wanting me to lose makes me perform even better!

Tune in to on November 3rd! I promise you that you will be entertained!