Kunlun Fight 29 Results: Askerov wins tournament, KO’s Kehl
Kunlun Fight 29 took place this past weekend in Soichi, Russia. The events main attraction was the Kulun Fight 29 Middleweight Tournament. The semi-final match ups featured Mingzhi Liu vs. Landon Simmons and Dzhabar Askerov vs. Enriko Kehl. Liu was able to out point the undefeated Simmons en route to a unanimous decision win and […]
Kunlun Fight 29: Battle in Sochi 2015 4-Man Tournament set with Kehl, Askerov, Simmons, and Liu
Kunlun Fight 29 is set for August 15 in Sochi, Russia, the event will feature Kickboxing and MMA fights. The main attraction for the night will be a 4-man middleweight tournament featuring Enriko Kehl, Dzhabar Askerov, Landon Simmons, and Mingzhi Liu. The first semi-final bout will feature American Landon Simmons vs. China’s Mingzhi Liu. Simmons […]