WKN France Results

WKN European Championship Results

Amel Debhy defeats Irina Mazepa by points.

Nordine Mahieddine defeats Brahim Beghdadi by TKO (Referee Stoppage) in the 4th round.

Lorenzo Demarco defeats Emile Borges by KO in the 5th round.

Mohamed Ben Ali defeats Julien La Ruffa by points.

Halim Chibani defeats Abou Diabarmate by TKO (Referee Stoppage) in the 2nd round.

Camille Gentelet defeats Ludovic Lapierre by points.

Mohamed Houmer defeats Wissam Bridja by TKO (Doctor Stoppage) in the 5th round.

Yohann Havan defeats Stefan Bonora by TKO (Corner Stoppage) in the 4th round.