On August 28, 1964 Martin Luther King Jr. stood at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. He started a speech that is now known by many as the “I have a dream” speech. Some of the most memorable parts of the speech include the following.
“I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.” and “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Now before anyone starts asking why we’re talking about Martin Luther King Jr. let me get to my point, and keep in mind in no way am I trying to compare Dr. King to Muay Thai or even put it on the same level. I don’t want anyone feeling insulted.
When it comes to Muay Thai, I have a dream as well, and I know it is not just me, fighters, fans, and everyone who loves Muay Thai alike have a dream for Muay Thai, especially the people who are deprived of Muay Thai here in the United States.
We have a dream that one day we will be able to tune in on any given Saturday night and watch real Muay Thai action on television.
We have a dream that one day we will tell people we love Muay Thai and they wont react with “What is that?”
We have a dream that one day Muay Thai fighters will get paid what they deserve, for the sacrifice of their body, for a sport they love.
We have a dream that Muay Thai will be able to fill arenas, so people can enjoy this excellent art.
We have a dream that promoters will put on nearly flawless shows.
We have a dream, that Muay Thai will pay the bills.
You might think this is corny, but when you love Muay Thai, or any sport for that fact, you want it to succeed. I love Muay Thai, I talk about it to people who have no knowledge about it and many times I get blank stares, but every now and then I get someone willing to go to a fight with me. Some times the fights are not very good sometimes they are excellent, it’s hit or miss, but in the end I know I’m trying to spread the word on the sport.
If you love Muay Thai, even if you just like it don’t let this sport continue on its pace here in the United States, because right now with combat sports being at its peak we have to strike, we have to make our move and spawn the growth of Muay Thai.
Support your local fighters, support your local shows, but at the same time demand better shows. It can’t be give and take, if we give them there money they need to give us good shows, 90% percent of the fighters show up to fight, and its great, but some promoters need to provide better shows. Quality over quantity is sometimes better than quantity over quality.
I hate seeing fighters who are great a Muay Thai venture to MMA because of the money, I understand why they do it, but it is sad they have to. We can all make a difference, it is mainly a pretty tight community in Muay Thai that is very welcoming, now lets expand.