Virgil Zwicker talks upcoming bout with Sergio Pique at WCK Muay Thai “Bad to the Bone”

Virgil Zwicker will step over to Muay Thai from MMA this upcoming weekend at the WCK Muay Thai’s “Bad to the Bone” in Temecula, CA at Pechanga Casino. Standing across from Virgil in the ring will be Sergio Pique. This match-up has already been interesting with some smack talk. In a recent interview with MMA Interviews, Zwicker stated that he didn’t think Sergio could take a punch and that didn’t sit well with Pique and he made a short video in response. Virgil took some time off from his busy training to answer a few questions for us about the upcoming match-up.

MTA: You are taking a Muay Thai fight against Sergio Pique on April 6th. How did the Muay Thai bout come about?

Virgil: Well it came about when one of my coaches Bob Chaney asked me if I would be interested in fighting Muay Thai, I said yes and here we are.

MTA: You are known for MMA, do you think training has been easier for this fight since you only have to focus on your stand up?

Virgil: I think training MMA is very tough on the body, so it has been a relief to just focus on my stand up and work every day on my technique.

MTA: Is this going to be a onetime thing or do you plan on trying to get a few fights in before going back to MMA?

Virgil: This defiantly will not be a onetime deal I am going to try and manage both MMA and Muay Thai careers.

MTA: Muay Thai and Kickboxing are both growing in the states, are you a fan of either as far as sitting down and watching event like Glory, Lion Fight or any others that are going on?

Virgil: I have been a huge fan for years and am glad to see that kickboxing and Muay Thai are making a surge in the states.

MTA: In a recent interview with you said you didn’t think Sergio could take a shot. Sergio wasn’t too happy about this. He said in an interview with us, “Don’t know what he bases that on and I actually don’t care. Think he’s scared so I guess it’s a natural reaction from his side”. What goes through your mind when someone says you are scared of them?

Virgil: I said that in a interview because I was told by my coaches that he didn’t have a chin, when I looked him up, he looked like a lot better fighter than was told to me. That being said I stand by my coaches and I don’t think he can handle my power, as far as being scared, he don’t pump no fear in my heart. I am a true native from Kummeyaay decent for generations my tribe has produced warriors and have fought for our land and on April 6th that’s what I am in the ring to do and only hatred, anger, and my killer instinct will be with me.

MTA: What was the reason you think Sergio can’t take one of your strikes and do you think you’re going to knock him out?

Virgil: Because I hit like a truck and yes I am going to try and knock him out and I like being hit and he doesn’t.

MTA: This fight is in your backyard, do you think having the crowd on your side gives you an extra advantage going into the fight?

Virgil: Yes I do, me having my family friends and fellow RezDog’s this place is going to be going crazy with my supporters.

MTA: Thanks for your time Virgil, any words for your supporters?

Virgil: I just want to thank my coaches and teammates for all there help and of course my wife and children.