Tiffany Van Soest talks upcoming fight with Magali Foroni at Lion Fight 12

Tiffany Van Soest will return to action at Lion Fight 12 on November 1st to take on Magali Foroni. This fight will be her first since scoring a huge stoppage over Lucy Payne this past July at Lion Fight 10. Tiffany has continued to make her presence felt on the women’s Muay Thai scene and is currently the face of women’s Muay Thai in North America. She was kind enough to give us an interview regarding her upcoming fight and talk about her training and future plans.

MTA: You are back in action at Lion Fight 12 in less than two weeks against Magali Foroni. How has your training been going leading up to this fight?

Tiffany: It’s been going really well. I’ve made a few additions and switches to my coaching team and things are working out wonderfully.

MTA: When you started fighting you were balancing school and training, how much easier is it now that you are done with school or have other things like work simply replaced school?

Tiffany: It’s definitely easier, but I still have to work quite a bit to keep the bills paid. I love training my clients and teaching my students, so it’s not so bad.

MTA: How familiar are you with Magali?

Tiffany: To be honest, I’m not very familiar with her at all.

MTA: How much video do you look to study on your opponents, and do you consider it crucial to your fight preparation?

Tiffany: Typically I don’t watch too much film on my opponents. I feel like if I did then I would obsess and focus more on what they do rather than what I’m supposed to do so I leave the film watching up to Kru Alex. My job is to learn and execute the game plan he creates.

MTA: You weren’t in action at the last Lion Fight after appearing in their first three shows this year. Did you like getting some R&R or would you have preferred to be in the ring fighting?

Tiffany: There’s nothing wrong with a little R&R, but I definitely would have preferred to be fighting.

MTA: This will most likely be the last fight for you this year, is fighting four times in one year the right amount of fights for you?

Tiffany: Yes. I think so. I train year round to stay sharp, but it’s always nice to have fights to train for. I don’t like to be on the shelf for too long. I tend to get antsy.

MTA: Moving forward with your career which has been very successful already, what are your new goals if any?

Tiffany: My goal is to just keep training and continue to sharpen my skills, learn new ones, and get even better. I want to push myself to be the best I can and continue to test myself against the best. I definitely want to defend my title and if the opportunity arises, travel abroad and fight over seas simply for the experience of fighting abroad. I love to travel.

MTA: We have asked this before, but we have to ask again. How long before the Muay Thai world suffers the casualty of you making the transition over to MMA, or is that something no longer on your mind?

Tiffany: I don’t have a time frame in mind and I’m in no rush. I have made a very comfortable home with Lion Fight Promotions. Muay Thai is my true passion. If the opportunity to take an MMA fight arises and the timing is right, then of course, I’d like to take on that challenge, but I absolutely love Muay Thai and Lion Fight so that will always be my first priority.