Sergio Pique talks upcoming fight with Virgil Zwicker at WCK Muay Thai “Bad to the Bone”

Sergio Pique and Virgil Zwicker will meet at the upcoming WKC Muay Thai “Bad to the Bone” at Pechanga Casino in Temecula, CA on April 6th. Sergio is the younger brother of Marco Pique, and has gathered a solid resume of his own. In a recent interview with MMA Interviews, Zwicker stated that he didn’t think Sergio could take a punch and that didn’t sit well with Sergio. He made this short video in response, and was more than happy to answer a few questions about his upcoming fight with Virgil.

MTA: Sergio you are fighting Virgil Zwicker on April 6th at the WCK Muay Thai show in Temecula, CA. How has training been going?

Sergio: I’ve trained for this fight like I’ve never trained before and I am very motivated to show the USA what I’m worth and to leave a very good impression.

MTA: Sergio what do you see as your biggest strength going into this fight?

Sergio: My biggest strength is that I’m coming prepared. I’m in shape as well when it comes to strength and technical skills.

MTA: In a recent interview Virgil stated you couldn’t take a punch. What was your reaction when you heard this?

Sergio: My first reaction was “yeah right”! Don’t know what he bases that on and I actually don’t care. Think he’s scared so I guess it’s a natural reaction from his side.

MTA: Do you think he is underestimating you and if so why?

Sergio: Don’t know if he’s underestimating me, but if that’s the case that’s fine by me too. We’ll see what happens!

MTA: Do you think the fact that he has this pre conceived notion about you not being able to take a punch plays as an advantage for you?

Sergio: Don’t know if it is an advantage. Either way he’s going down.

MTA: Anything you have to say to Virgil?

Sergio: Don’t know him and I hope that he’s prepared to fight me. Don’t want to hear afterwards that he did not have an optimal training and that’s the reason why he lost the fight.

MTA: Can we get a prediction for the fight on April 6th?

Sergio: I’ll take him down in the second round. That’s my prediction! He won’t see round three!

MTA: Are you coming in looking to score a knockout or simply get the win with a knockout being a bonus?

Sergio: I’m coming to hurt him.

MTA: Your brother Marco has had a great career do you feel any added pressure when people find out you are related to him?

Sergio: My brother is my motivation. To see what he has accomplished makes me want to do the same, even more if possible.