Richard Abraham entered Lion Fight 24 looking to make a statement against highly touted Ky Hollenbeck. A win for Abraham over the likes of someone like Hollenbeck would help put his name on the map.
The fight started and neither fighter was willing to give an inch to the other. It was an exciting fight with both fighters throwing heavy leather, but in the fourth round the fight ended prematurely because of a cut. It was caused by a head butt earlier in the fight, but since it was stopped a round later after it was opened up again by Abraham it seemed he would be getting a (T)KO win. The fight instead went to the score cards where Hollenbeck was awarded a decision win.
Despite the loss Abraham showed he is more than willing to tangle with the best of them, Hollenbeck had four times the experience Abraham did, but despite the disparity he did not back down from the American great. We were able to catch up with Richard Abraham and he was kind enough to answer a few questions about the fight.
MTA: You were facing the toughest challenge of your fight career in Ky Hollenbeck at LF24. How did you prepare for Ky and his unique fight style?
Richard: The same we I always prepare. Nothing really special just extremely hard grueling training. The typical style of a Maximus Muay Thai fighter.
MTA: Knowing a guy like Hollenbeck has four times the amount of fights you do, how do you prepare for that mentally?
Richard: I have been fighting guys my whole career with 2x, 3x, 4x and even 10x the experience. It doesn’t really matter the experience. I am an A class fighter so it doesn’t matter who they put in front of me.
MTA: Were you able to follow your game plan in the fight with Ky and what do you think of his style after actually being in the ring with him?
Richard: Yes I was to an extent. We have similar styles. I actually thought he would of used a little more movement.
MTA: The ending was not what anyone was expecting. In the fourth round the fight was stopped because of a cut and it seemed you were going to win by doctor stoppage. What were your thoughts on how the bout went to the score cards instead of you getting the (T)KO win?
Richard: I was completely shocked. I thought I won no doubt. I landed effective strikes which opened it more. After reviewing the tape it is as clear as day. Yes a head butt opened the cut but they let the fight continue. The next round I landed some crisp right hands to open it more and get the stoppage. Even Pat Militech was saying I should grind my head on the cut to open it more.
MTA: When it went to the score cards did you agree with the scores?
Richard: Not at all. I won the 1st round no doubt. The second he won. I gave myself the 3rd but it was close and the 4th I won for sure. I had it 2-2.
MTA: The strange part was that although it was caused by a head butt initially it was allowed to continue but when it opened up the following round it was because you got him with right hand. The fact that it was allowed to continue another round and it shouldn’t be ruled a no contest anymore or go to the judges. What were you and your coach’s thoughts on how it worked?
Richard: I felt crushed. We all knew I won right after and as the commotion picked up and Ky and his corner kept saying head butt. We felt that we were about to get a bad deal. Not knocking Ky or the CSA team they acted on what the thought was right. It was the commission’s job to make the right call and they didn’t.
MTA: The fight doctor really seemed to get involved as well because when the fight was stopped he was asking what caused the cut. This was peculiar because it shouldn’t matter to the doctor what caused the cut he just needs to decide if the fighter can continue and how it happened should have no bearing on his decision. Did you happen to notice this while the fight was being stopped?
Richard: Yes I did a little. It seemed like he was more in charge. The ref Cobon is supposed to decide but the doc did. In the film the doc asked Cobon (the ref) was it from a head butt and Coban didn’t say one word. Then the doc waved it off, weird.
MTA: Has there been any talk of a rematch between your camps and Lion Fight?
Richard: Yes there where talks right away about a rematch before anything was even official.
MTA: You definitely showed class after the fight as other fighters might have freaked out. Do you wish you might have protested a little more the route they took to decide the fights ending?
Richard: I’m a professional. Acting like a fool when it seemed liked the ref and the commission where not on your side wouldn’t have really done anything except disrespect myself, my coaches, my family and my fans. It was a tough pill to swallow. I feel cheated of my moment to get my hand raised which I deserved the victory. This is life and I am blessed beyond measure.
MTA: You received a cut as well which was also from a head butt, did they have to stitch that up pretty good after the fight?
Richard: It was from a head butt in the second. Felt like I was fighting a Ram haha. They wanted to stitch it up but I knew this was going to be a war so I brought liquid skin and my coach Chris Cichon patched me up.
MTA: When can we expect to see you in action again?
Richard: I just did back to back fight camps. My brothers getting married next month so probably December. Spend so more time with the family. These camps are hard on all of us. To compete at a high level you must train at one too and my camps are a very serious process.
MTA: Looking back at the fight what do you wish you could have done differently if anything regarding your performance?
Richard: I wish I put it together little better. Was a bit more active and didn’t lower my head as much but other than that I did decent.
MTA: Do you want Hollenbeck as your next fight or it doesn’t matter who?
Richard: I definitely want to fight Hollenbeck. Even if the raised my hand (which they should of)I feel very unsatisfied. It was a good fight that was close and we have unfinished business. If they give me someone else it doesn’t really matter fighters fight.
MTA: And words for your supporters?
Richard: I want to thank the lord first. My family for supporting me with all my craziness. Thanks to all my friends and fans. My coaches Chris Cichon and Justin Whilely(The Cellar Gym), Mike Valle(VFS), Tim Tokarz(SIFU), Dennis Verges(BTB). Also my sponsors Shogren, Lu Dwyer, Illinois Lift Equipment, In Fight Style, Pizza Bella and Tree Guys Itasca.