Remy Bonjasky talks upcoming fight with Tyrone Spong at Glory 5

Remy Bonjasky will be fighting Tyrone Spong at Glory 5 in London on March 23. The Kickboxing legend will look to keep the hard hitting Spong from making him another of his knockout victims. Bonjasky was kind enough to answer a few questions for Muay Thai Authority about his upcoming bout with Spong and his recent return to action.

MTA: Remy you have big fight in London against Tyrone Spong. How is your training going for this fight?

Remy: My training is good not perfect but good.

MTA: When you train for a fighter with Tyrone’s power is your focus more on defense and not letting him land any clean strikes or is it more about implementing your offensive attacks on him?

Remy: I train on both but I need to work and look at my own power.

MTA: What advantages do you feel you hold in this fight over Tyrone?

He has been fighting the whole time since I have been away.

MTA: What would you consider to be Tyrone’s biggest asset in the ring?

Remy: Maybe his power and the age difference.

MTA: You returned to action after nearly three years on in late 2012, how have you felt since your return to the ring?

Remy: It feels good to be back in the ring. It’ feels like home.

You are a legend in the sport and you accomplished so much, how much longer do you plan on continuing to fight?

Remy: I don’t know yet we will see after this fight.

MTA: Before you permanently call it a career, is there anyone you would like to fight again or that you have never fought before?

Remy: No I fought every one so I don’t miss anyone.

MTA: Any words for your supporters?

Remy: See you soon for a spectacular fight in London. Lots of love to you all.