Paul Karpowicz talks win over Coke Chunhawat at Muay Thai in America “In Honor of the King”

Paul Karpowicz defeated Coke Chunhawat this past weekend at Muay Thai in America “In Honor of the King” in Los Angeles, CA. The fight was the first in America for the Karpowicz and he made sure to impress fight fans with his aggressive and technical style. Paul took a few minutes to answer a few questions for Muay Thai Authority about his win against Coke and his experience in America.

MTA: Huge win at Muay Thai in America “In Honor of the King” this past weekend against Coke Chunhawat, how are you feeling after that victory?

Paul: I was feeling great after the fight even more happy as I had a long flight back and no injuries.

MTA: You came out aggressive and throwing many different attacks at Coke. Do you think the fact that you mixed up your attacks so well might have frustrated him in the ring?

Paul: Yes it is very possible I frustrated Coke in the ring I know my style is a little different to the normal Thai way. I always start kinda fast n aggressive that is my style but I just try and enjoy myself ya know because I believe this is the most important thing to remember to do.

MTA: Coke has so much experience, when you here the amount of fights he has compared to yours what do you think about, he has over 200 fights?

Paul: I know coke is very experienced and I have a lot of respect for him but I believe in myself and my abilities n my team no matter who is stood in front of me in the ring.

MTA: This was your first time fighting in the United States, what did you think of it?

Paul: I enjoyed fighting in the states so much I loved everything about it. I felt safe and well looked after, the crowd was amazing and I love the way how every round and all techniques score as it suits my style specially coz I feel in the UK I have won fights but lost the decision because of how fights are scored. I love how the Americans do things and everyone I met was really cool.

What can fight fans expect from you next; do you have any fights lined up and is there anyone in particular you have your sights on that you would like to fight?

Paul: I’m not bothered by who I fight.

MTA: Any words for all of your supporters?

Paul: Massive shout to all the people who support me and like and dislike me. Everyone keeps me motivated and can’t thank them enough without the followers der wouldn’t be a sport so thank you.