Omar Ahmed is currently in Thailand fighting and training. He recently won his first fight since recently arriving in Thailand and was kind enough to take some time to talk to Muay Thai Authority about his experience over there. Omar has been going to train and fight in Thailand for the last few years but plan on staying for an extended duration this time.
MTA: You are back in Thailand Omar, how is everything going over there?
Omar: Everything is going real well. This is my 4th year in a row coming to Thailand and training at 13 coins.
MTA: What made you chose 13 coins?
Omar: I chose this camp because Saenchai trained here and he’s my favorite fighter. I train with Kru Sorn who has been Saenchai’s trainer for a while.
MTA: Any idea how long you will stay?
Omar: I’m going to stay for several months and I haven’t decided when I want to leave yet.
MTA: You just fought and won. Aside from the obvious joy of victory how was the fight?
Omar: The fight was awesome I felt I had one of my best performances and I feel like I have improved tremendously from my last fight.
MTA: This fight was at a higher weight than normal right, around 154, why the jump up in weight and how did you feel?
Omar: I fought a guy who was 154 because that was the only opponent they had for me. I weighed in at 148 for the fight. I felt really strong and I felt better than I did fighting at 140. I was eating healthy and wasn’t eating small portions of food to make weight. I trained 2 times a day, ran 5 miles 2 times a day, hit pads two times a day. I Worked on my clinching a lot this time around and I trained hard but I wasn’t struggling through it.
MTA: When do you think you will fight next?
Omar: As soon as I left the ring the promoter (One Songchai) called up my manager and told him he was impressed with my performance and he has fights for me in Lumpini and Raja.
MTA: How often are you planning on fighting out there?
Omar: I hope I can fight every 3 weeks while I’m here and get as much done as possible.
MTA: What’s the main difference you see from training and living in Thailand as opposed to being back home in the states?
Omar: It’s completely different here in Thailand as far as the training and living. I love my lifestyle here. I eat amazing food every day, nice weather, very nice people, I’m training with the best in the world, people are respectful, and no one is envious. When my camp took me to get matched up I asked them who am I fighting? How many fights does he have? Where is he from? What’s his name? They looked at me and said “don’t worry you just go and fight and prove yourself on the Kings Cup”…a real fighter fights whoever and I wasn’t scared. I’m always prepared for the worst and I can accept any outcome of a fight. I was confident just because they picked me to fight on that night and I said to myself these people believe in me and I believe in myself as well. I went in there and didn’t care what he knew or how good he was, and just executed what I do and won the fight.
MTA: Do you have any words for your supporters?
Omar: I want to thank all my supporters. I love all of them. I will continue to make them proud in the future and I want to thank the people who stuck by my side for the past 12 years. I’m far from done and I’m grateful for this blessing that I have to be healthy and to be able to do what i love for this long and still be young.