Matches for Glory 4 Heavyweight GP set

The heavyweight tournament bouts for Glory 4 are set. The event which will take place on December 31, 2012 in Tokyo will feature a 16-man one night tournament. As Glory has proven in recent events, most of the top talent is under their promotion. Semmy Schilt, Anderson Silva, Remy Bonjasky, Errol Zimmerman, Daniel Ghita, Peter Aerts, Gokhan Saki and Rico Verhoeven will all be in action.
The rules for the tournament will be a bit different than a regular bout. The first three rounds of the tournament will feature an open scoring system with two minute rounds. With the open scoring system if a fighter is clearly ahead on points after the second round there will be no need for a third round and he is declared the winner of the bout.
The finals of the tournament will feature regular Glory rules with three rounds of three minutes each, there will also be two extra rounds if necessary.

Glory 4 HW GP Matches:
Semmy Schilt vs. Brice Guidon
Rico Verhoeven vs. Sergei Kharitonov
Raomoru vs. Gokhan Saki
Igor Jurkovic vs. Anderson Silva
Filip Verlinden vs. Remy Bonjasky
Jamal Ben Saddick vs. Errol Zimmerman
Mourad Bouzidi vs. Peter Aerts
Fabiano Aoki vs. Daniel Ghita