Glory 12 takes place November 23rd in New York, it was previously announced that their would be a 4-man lightweight (154lb) tournament taking place on the night. Giorgio Petrosyan was the only announced fight until now, joining him will be Andy Ristie, Davit Kiria, and Robin van Roosmalen. All three of the newly announced fighters were in action this paste weekend at Glory 10 with all three of them securing their spot in the tournament with victories.
Ristie defeated Niclas Larsen, Kiria defeated Murthel Groenhart, and van Roosmalen defeated Shemsi Beqiri. The match ups for the tournament semi-finals will be Giorgio Petrosyan vs. Andy Ristie, a fight Risite has been asking for, and Robin van Roosmalen vs. Davit Kiria.