Lion Fight 10 Live Results and Play by Play

Lion Fight 10 goes down tonight in Las Vegas at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino featuring the main event between Yodsanklai Fairtex and Chike Lindsay. The event will air live on AXS TV but if you can’t be there live or don’t have access TV we have you covered as we will be providing live results and a play by play for Lion Fight 10. 

Also on the card Kevin Ross and Matt Embree will go head to head in a battle to see who the best 140lb fighter in North America is. Tiffany Van Soest and Lucy Payne will also fight for the Lion Fight women’s featherweight world title.
J.P. Cole vs. Jason Andrada

Round 1
Body Kick by Cole. Cross by Andrada. Jab by Andrada lands. Both exchanging leg kicks. Head kick by Cole. Jab by COle lands flush. Both guys pressing forward and meeting in the middle. Leg kicks by Andrada. Body kick by Cole. Cole gets a warning for a 12-6 elbow. Jab lands for Andrada followed by a right. Andrada going to the body and then catches a kick from Cole and sweeps him. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Andrada.

Round 2
Leg kick by Andrada to start. Leg kick by Cole. Clinch and Cole goes to work with knees right away. Right hand by Cole lands flush. Andrada staying busy throwing punches and kicks. Body kick by Cole and then Andrada sweeps him. Andrada looks more fluid with his strikes, while Cole is throwing one shot at a time. Andrada going to the body with punches. Another sweep by Andrada after catching a Cole kick. Leg kick by Andrada and then they exchange body kicks. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Andrada.

Round 3
Body kick by Cole. Right hand by Andrada lands. Short elbow by Cole. Body shot by Andrada lands and then he catches a Cole kick and sweeps him again. Body kick by Cole. Both fighters exchange elbows. Body Kick by Cole. Cole looks to be slowing down while Andrada looks to have some pep in his step still. Cole unleashes a flurry on Andrada but Andrada absorbs the punishment and goes back to work. Cole might have exhausted his tank in that attack. Body shot by Andrada. Body kick by Andrada forces Cole to take a knee and the round is over. 10-8 round for Andrada.

Round 4
Cole needs to step it up because Andrada is easily up on the judges score cards. Leg kicks by Andrada. Body shot from Cole. Body shot by Andrada. Cole swinging for the fences but doesn’t connect. Cole looking up at the clock. Jab by Andrada. Left hand from Cole lands solid. Cole seems tired. Right hand by Andrada lands as Cole is moving in. Head kick from Cole grazes Andrada. They exchanges some strikes as the round ends and it is clear that Andrada is the fresher fighter. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Andrada.

Round 5
Right hand by Cole. Both rights land rights. Cole letting his hands go. Jab by Andrada. Cole needs to do something now if he expects to win this fight. He needs a KO. Two punch combo to the body by Cole. Cole with a with two good right hands. Andrada still active though. Elbow from Cole. Cole slowing down. Andrada just picking away at Cole. Left hook from Cole. This fight is over and it should go to Andrada.

Result: Jason Andrada def. J.P. Cole via Unanimous Decision

Ognjen Topic vs. Coke Chunhawat

Round 1 
Push kick by Topic to start. Another push kick from Topic. Sweep by Coke after catching a Topic kick. Right hand by Topic gets in. Teep to the leg by Topic. Body kick by Coke and then they clinch but are broken up. Side kick by Topic. Right hand by Topic. Leg kick by Topic. Very close first round. Muay Thai Authority scores it 10-10.

Round 2
Jab by Topic. Push kick by Topic. Coke moving forward looking to get a little more aggressive. Throw some punches that are blocked and then lands  body kick. Inside leg kick by Coke. Right hand by Topic. Clinch band knees from both before it is broken up. Leg kick by Topic. Body kick by Coke. Clinch and they both exchange knees. Body kick by Coke. Leg kick by Topic. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Coke.

Round 3
Left hand by Topic. Clinch and a knee from Coke. More knees from Coke in the clinch and then Topic lands a knee. They break and left hook from Topic. Leg kick from Topic. Clinch and both fighter jockeying for position. Jab by Topic. Body kick by Topic then a push kick. Clinch and Topic tosses Coke to the mat. They clinch and exchange knees. Jab by Topic. Knee by Coke. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Topic.

Round 4
Sweep by Topic off a caught kick. Head kick by Topic lands. Coke with a flurry of punches followed by a kick. Another flurry followed by a kick from Coke. Sweep by Coke and he kicks Topic in the face as he is falling. Elbow by Coke. Coke is getting aggressive now. Body kick by Coke then he catches a kick and pushes Topic down. They clinch and exchange knees. Coke is really taking control of the round. Topic clinches and throws knees. Knees from Coke in the clinch. Teep by Coke they clinch and exchange knees. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 for Coke.

Round 5
Body kicks are exchanged. Coke pressing forward. Teep from Coke. Double jab by Coke. Leg kick by Coke. Jab by Coke. Coke looks excellent in these last two rounds. Clinch and short knees from Topic and then knees from Coke. Jab by Coke. Topic with a leg kick. Body kick by Topic as bell rings. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Coke. Should be interesting to see how this is scored. Coke clearly won the last two rounds but the first three rounds could go either way.

Result: Ognjen Topic def. Coke Chunhawat via Split Decision

Sean Kearney vs. Malaipet Sasiprapa

Round 1
Jab by Kearney. Body kick by Malaipet. Leg kick by Malaipet. Jab by Kearney. Body Kick by Kearney leg kick by Malaipet. Leg kick by Kearney. Body kick by Malaipet. Left hook from Malaipet. Jab from Kearney. Body kick from Malaipet. Jab by Kearney. Body kick by Malaipet and left by Kearney. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Malaipet. 

Round 2
Clinch and an elbow from Malaipet knocks Kearney down. He beats the ten count and they clinch. Leg kick Malaipet. Elbow from Kearney as they clinch. Malaipet is cut and bleeding from his cheek. Left from Kearney and then he misses with an elbow. Clinch and Kearney walls up. Body kick by Malaipet and left cross from Kearney. Clinch and knees from Kearney. Kearney really pressing the action now. Body kick from Malaipet. 10-8 round for Malaipet. If it wasn’t for the knockdown that round would have gone to Kearney.

Round 3
Head kick by Kearney grazes Malaipet. Leg kick by Malaipet. Clinch but no action. Jab from Malaipet. Elbow from Kearney. Another elbow from Kearney and a push kick. Push kick by Kearney. Knee to the body by Kearney. Elbow from Kearney. Both fighters land a punch. Body kick by Malaipet and they clinch and knees from Kearney as Malaipet walls up. Sweep from Malaipet after catching a kick. Nice elbow from Kearney. Kearney is really taking control of the ring this round. Body kick by Kearney as Malaipet tries a spinning kick. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Kearney.

Round 4
Body kick by Malaipet and then a left cross from Kearney. Body kick by Malaipet. Clinch and knees from Malaipet. Jab  by Malaipet. Elbow from Kearney in the clinch and then knees from him. Push kick by Kearney. Clinch and knees from Kearney. Malaipet seems tired. Jab and Cross from Kearney land. Knees from Kearney. Body punch from malaipet. Knee from Kearney in the clinch. Body kick by Malaipet. Both fighters exchange body kicks. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Kearney.

Round 5
Inside leg kick by Kearney. Right hand by Malaipet. Another right hand by Malaipet. Body kick by Malaipet. Elbow from Kearney and they clinch. Left hand from Kearney grazes Malaipet. Kearney catches a kick and misses a spinning elbow. Clinch and knees from Kearney as Malaipet walls up. Left cross from Kearney they clinch and knees from Kearney. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Kearney. Round 1,4,5 were close and could go either way.

Result: Malaipet Sasiprapa def. Sean Kearney via Majority Decision

Lucy Payne vs. Tiffany Van Soest

Round 1
Left hook from Van Soest. Body kick from Payne. Push kick by Payne. Push kick by Van Soest. Right hand from Payne. Left hook from Van Soest and then a right hand. Van Soest definitely has the movement and speed edge. Flurry from Van Soest and Payne is hurt and she covers up in the corner as Van Soest unloads and the ref stops the fight. Odd that it wasn’t a ten count, but Van Soest wins.

Result: Tiffany Van Soest def. Lucy Payne via (T)KO at 2:30 of Rd. 1

Matt Embree vs. Kevin Ross 

Round 1
Leg kick by Ross to start. Leg kick by Embree. Jab by Ross leg kick by Embree. Another leg kick by Embree. Leg kick by Embree and leg kick by Ross. Push kick by Ross. Left cross by Embree. Leg kick by Embree. Punch by Embree is blocked by Ross. Leg kick by Embree. Right hand by Embree and a leg kick by Embree. Leg kick by Ross. Knee to the body by Embree. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Embree.

Round 2
Leg kick by Embree. Body kick by Ross. Leg kick by Ross and Embree answers with punches. Clinch and nothing happens. Jab by Ross. Right hand by Embree and then a sweep by Embree as he catches a kick. Body shot by Ross. Left jab by Embree. Leg kick by Ross. Leg kick by Embree followed by a body kick. Another sweep by Embree off of a caught kick. Leg kick by Embree. Leg kick by Ross. Right hand by Embree and a knee. Body kick by Ross they clinch and some knees from Embree. Knee to the body by Ross. Right and left by Embree land. Muay Thai Authority scores the round 10-9 Embree.

Round 3
Embree starts with punches. Ross getting aggressive to start this round and they clinch and exchange knees then Embree tosses Ross tot he mat. Knee to the body by Ross. Elbow by Embree. Right hand by Embree as Ross throws a leg kick. Jab by Ross. Leg kick from each fighter. Right hand by Ross. Right hand from Embree. Left hand from Embree then a right hand an elbow. Leg kick by Ross. Right hand by Ross and elbow by Embree as they clinch. Embree catches a kick and delivers a short elbow. Ross lands a sweep as the round ends. Close round but Embree seems to be landing the more diverse strikes. 10-9 Embree.

Round 4
Kicks from both fighters to start the round. Leg kick from Embree. Punch by Ross. Leg kick by Embree and leg kick from Ross. Elbow from Embree. Clinch and not much happening. Sweep by Ross off of a caught kick. Knee from Embree and they clinch. Knee from Embree in the clinch. Leg kick from both then a right hand from Ross. Clinch and knees from Embree. Jabs from both fighters. Jab by Embree. Leg kick from each fighter. Clinch and knees from Embree. Both fighters swinging but not much landing and Ross lands a clinch right. Close round but 10-9 Ross.

Round 5
Leg kicks by both fighters. Knee by Ross and leg kick by Embree. Ross with a body shot. Leg kicks from both. Push kick from Embree. Dump by Embree. Leg kick by Ross leg kick by Embree. Clinch and knee from Embree. Knee from Ross in the clinch. Leg kick from Embree. Body kick by Ross. Knee by Ross. Right hand by Ross and he is picking up the pace. Clinch and knees from both. Jab by Ross. Clinch and knee from Ross and leg kick from Ross. Elbow from Embree. 10-9 Ross. Embree seemed to gas in the last round.

Result: Matt Embree def. Kevin Ross via Unanimous Decision

Chike Lindsay vs. Yodsanklai Fairtex

Round 1
Jab by Lindsay. Leg kick by Yodsanklai. Right hand by Lindsay. Jab by Lindsay. Another strong jab by Lindsay. Jab again by Lindsay. Kick by Yodsanklai blocked. Jab by Lindsay followed by  a right. Strong left by Lindsay. Chike using his jab weel. Lindsay pumps that jab again. Leg kick by Yodsanklai. Right cross by Lindsay barely clips Yodsanklai. Push kick by Yodsanklai. Elbow from Yodsanklai in the clinch. 10-9 round for Lindsay.

Round 2 
Yodsanklai starts with a kick. Jab by Lindsay and body kick by Yodsanklai. Jab and cross by Lindsay. Solid straight from Yodsanklai. Yod getting aggressive now. Jab by Lindsay. Body kick by Yodsanklai. Knee tot he body by Yodsanklai. Right hand by Lindsay. Body kick by Yodsanklai. Small cut over the left eye of Yodsanklai. Yod taking control of the fight now. Knees tot he body from the clinch. Short elbow by Yodsanklai. Jab by Lindsay. Knees exchanged in teh clinch. Knee tot he body up the middle by Yodsanklai. 10-9 round for Yodsanklai.

Round 3
Jab by Lindsay to start round. Jab and elbow from Yodsanklai. Clinch and knees from Yod. Yodsanklai is winning the battle in the clinch with better positioning and attacks. Chike is cut on his left eye. Elbow by Yod. Yodsanklai taking over this fight. Chike is slowing down now. Elbow by Yod. Chike is no longer throwing his jab he seems flustered a bit. Lindsays eye looks bad now. This might be stopped after this round is over. Yodsanklai going to town with punches kicks and elbows. 10-9 Yodsanklai. 

Round 4
Kick by Yodsanklai. Right hand by Chike gets in and then two jabs. Body kick by Yodsanklai. Yod is dominating in the clinch. Jab by Chike. Body kick by LIndsay. Body shot from Yod. Head kick by LIndsay. In the clinch and Yod with some knees. Chike looks tired. Knee tot he body by Lindsay. Lindsay is a bloody mess. Yod pressing forward and landing punches. Big punches from Yod. Uppercut from Lindsay. Right hand and Lindsay is bleeding like crazy now. Chike is showing heart just by continuing to fight. 10-9 round Yodsanklai.

Round 5
Big body kick by Yod. Another one from Yod. Jab by Lindsay and then a right. Big right by Chike lands. Chike with some punches and then a solid right hand lands. Left hook from Chike. Body shot by Yod and right from Chike. Knee to the body by Yod. Chike fighting back with punches now. Leg kick by Chike. Knee to the body by Yod. Body kick by Yod and right hand by Chike. Fight over and 10-9 round for Yodsanklai and the fight should be going his way.

Result: Yodsanklai Fairtex def. Chike Lindsay via Unanimous Decision