Ky Hollenbeck talks upcoming fight with Giorgio Petrosyan

Ky Hollenbeck will look to shock the world this weekend when he steps into the ring to fight arguably the best Kickboxer in the world, Giorgio Petrosyan. The dynamic American fighter has made waves in the last two years by collecting victories over some big names, but Petrosyan will easily be the biggest fight of his career. If he gets past Petrosyan things won’t get easier as bouts with Robin van Roosmalen or Albert Kraus could potential lie in front of him as part of the Glory final 8 tournament. Hollenbeck took some time from his busy schedule to answer some questions for Muay Thai Authority.

MTA: For the final eight you drew Giorgio Petrosyan. What was going through your mind when you found out you were fighting arguably the best Kickboxer in the world?

Ky: I had a feeling I was going to be fighting him. I was happy to find out I get to fight him first. I’ve always said I want to fight the best, and now I get to. It’ll be a good opportunity for me to shock some people.

MTA: Now as a fan, how difficult is it for you to put aside the fact that you are fighting a legend and simply focus on the task at hand? You have fought several high profile names and it hasn’t seemed that it affects you at all, other people get star struck and don’t perform well but you seem to not have a problem with that.

Ky: At the end of the day he is just a man like me. Two arms, two legs, and a head just like everyone else that I’ve ever fought. I respect the hell out of him because he is an amazing fighter, but there will be no hero worship when I step in the ring with him. You can’t respect someone too much when you fight them because it will make you fight different.

MTA: They say styles make fights and your style is definitely unique. Do you expect it to give Petrosyan trouble, not many have been able to figure you out in the ring?

I think I have a good style for Petrosyan. He is an excellent counter fighter, but the uniqueness of my style can give people fits and take them out of their comfort zone. Giorgio is a textbook counter fighter, if you do a move he knows the perfect counter so I need to do things that he isn’t use to and see. People in the past have had trouble figuring me out so I hope that trend keeps up.

MTA: What do you think is Petrosyan’s greatest strength in the ring?

His counter and his ability to get out of the way. He has never really taken a solid shot because he is so slick

MTA: Has your training changed much for this fight, if so how?

Ky: The only difference was I started training with southpaws to help match him. Other then that I stick to the same routine.

MTA: We know you don’t do predictions, so what can fans expect to see when you square off with Petrosyan in the ring?

Ky: They can expect to see me come out there with no fear and nothing to lose. They can expect a great fight and I promise I will do everything in my power to represent myself, my team, and my country as best I can.

MTA: Lastly, as you walk out to the ring with your American flag as you have done so many times before, what goes through your head?

Ky: The only real thing I think about is “this is the celebration of all the hard work you put in, go have some fun out there.” That’s why I’m usually smiling.