Ismael Londt talks upcoming fight with Badr Hari at Akhmat Fight Show

by Artem Golik for Akhmat Fight Show

Artem Golik recently caught up with Ismael Londt to talk about his upcoming bout with Badr Hari at Akhmat Fight Show in Grozny, Chechnya. Londt is currently on a four fight win streak, he was scheduled to face Hari in 2014, but the fight fell through. He doesn’t seem to have any type of bad blood toward Hari and sounds focused on the task at hand. 
Artem Golik: You have a fight coming up with Badr Hari, how do you feel about the fight?
Isamel Londt: The fight against Badr Hari is a honour for me. 

Artem Golik: How improtant is the fight with Badr Hari for you? 

Ismael Londt: For me every opponent is important, but Badr Hari is in my humble opinion one of the best Kickboxers of the world. He is a top class fighter. It is a great honour to fight Badr Hari in Grozny and I would like to thank Mr. President Ramzan Khadyrov, Akhmat Fight Club and the people of Chechnya! 

Artem Golik: Badr Hari has won 92 of 105 fights by the way of KO – do you worry about that? 

Isamel Londt: The fight record of Hari is surely amazing, but I don’t worry because a KO can happen in any fight and it always is spectacular for the fans.

Artem Golik: What do you think about his shape? 

Ismael Londt: Hari is always in a good shape that’s why he is top-class. I suppose he will be in fantastic shape for this fight. 

Artem Golik: How about your shape coming into this fight? 

Ismael Londt: My shape is the same like in any fight and I have the same preparation like always. The fight against Badr Hari is an honour, but preparation is as usual. 

Artem Golik: Do you have anything special planned for this fight with Hari, are you looking for a knockout? 

Ismael Londt: I don’t want to talk about my plans and make any predictions for the fight. I leave that to the media and colleagues (according to them I have NO chance) and kickboxing fans all over the world. 
Artem Golik: Do you have a message for Badr Hari? 
Ismael Londt: I wish Badr Hari and his team good luck. May the best man win!