MTA: Damian in August you won the WMPF super middleweight title. What have you been doing since your victory?
Damian: I keep training everyday to remain the world’s No. 1 pound for pound.
MTA: When can we expect to see you fight again?
Damian: In late April in Bangkok Thailand.
MTA: Is there anyone in particular you’d like to fight when you return to the ring?
Damian: Yes, Simon Marcus, Artem Levin, Fairtex Yodsaenklai.
MTA: Can you tell Muay Thai fans that aren’t familiar with you a little bit about yourself?
Damian: I am 31 years old from Argentina and have been training for 12 years. I have had 47 fights with 44 wins, 39 by KO. I have not lost a fight in 3 years and I am one of the top fighters around the world. I travel very often to Thailand, I spent about half the year over there. My goal is to fight all of the world’s elite fighters.
MTA: You’ve also done some boxing. Which do you prefer boxing or Muay Thai ?
Damian: Boxing is just a hobby, Muay Thai is my real sport.
MTA: You have started promoting events, how has that experience been?
Damian: You have to devote a lot of work and energy to promote this new sport in my country, but it is very rewarding. In my job as a promoter I want want Argentine and foreign athletes participating in U.E.F. (Ultra Elite Fighter) what I live abroad.
MTA: If you had to choose promoting or fighting, what do you like most?
Damian: Fighter no doubt, but in the future I will only be a promoter.
MTA: Thanks for your time Damian hope to see you fight again soon.
Damian: Thank you very much.