Chantal Ughi replaces Casey Bohrman for Lion Fight 20

Lion Fight Promotions welcomes Chantal Ughi to step in for Casey Bohrman to face the Lion Fight Welterweight Champion Jorina Baars at Lion Fight 20. It’s unclear at the moment why Bohrman will need to step down.
Ughi will be making her Lion Fight debut, but is definitely no stranger to the highest level of Muay Thai. This match up with Baars will be her second bout with the Lion Fight champion, the first meeting having dropped a close split decision in a tough fight. With a record of 38-18-1 she has faced a who’s-who of opponents, including the likes of Julie Kitchen, Miriam Nakamoto, and Amanda Kelley

Fight Card:
Jorina Baars (C) vs. Chantal Ughi – Lion Fight Women’s Wetlerweight Championship
Chris Mauceri vs. Sittisak Por. Sirichai
Jason Andrada vs. John Nofer
Tom Evans vs. Julio Pena
Tim Amorim vs. Bryce Lawrence
Gaston Bolanos vs.
Caleb Archer