Anthony Nieves – Ready to take advantage of his window

On October 2nd Anthony Nieves will make his professional boxing debut at King of the Ring in Georgia. Nieves is a Muay Thai fighter with massive potential, and has decided to turn to professional boxing to continue to improve his arsenal.

“I wanted to work on my hands so decided to take a pro boxing fight.” said Nieves. “I figured afterwards I would be more confident in my hands”

Originally scheduled to face Maurice Winslow, Nieves will now face Frank Davis. There was a drastic weight difference between Nieves and Winslow, and a new opponent closer to Nieves weight was brought in, the opponent wouldn’t have stopped Nieves from making his pro debut, didn’t matter what weight he was.

“Maurice was too big. But, I would fight him anyway lol.” said Nieves. “I’m my own manager right now I want to stay busy so sometimes I take big bites.”
It’s refreshing to see a young fighter willing to venture out and take challenges, now many fighters are more worried with keeping a perfect record in tact that they don’t venture out. Nieves goes in with all intentions set on winning, and plans on giving it his best effort. As far as being his own manager, Nieves doesn’t see that changing right now, he states he has a good relationship with all the promoters in his area and until it begins to get stressful he will be handling all of his negotiations.

After this venture into boxing Nieves plans on returning to Muay Thai, currently he is tentatively set to fight in November at a Bangkok Fight Night event but nothing has been confirmed. Nieves loves Muay Thai, and he thinks now is the time to focus on his own fighting career. Being part owner and a coach at Knuckleup Douglasville he has focused on developing a team for the last two years.

“I love Muay Thai, I would fight everyday if I could” said Nieves. “I’m in the window in which I should be fighting as much as possible”.

Nieves states he doesn’t want to end his career with what ifs, that is why he plans to focus more on his fight career now, and is looking to compete every four to six weeks. He acknowledges a fact that many Muay Thai Fighters face, and that is that Muay Thai doesn’t pay the bills, but Nieves will be the first to tell you he didn’t come into Muay Thai for the money. Muay Thai is a sport he loves, and he plans on eventually venturing out of the United States and fighting in another country such as Thailand where the sport is bigger so he can show what he is made of.

As far as what is currently coming up for Nieves, he just wants to improve his career, but currently his focus remains on his October 2nd professional boxing debut. Nieves Muay Thai skills are already proven, but he is still hungry to develop more, that’s a scary thought, mainly for the guys that will have to step into the ring with him.