Kevin Ross (@DaSoulAssassin) vs. Chris Kwiatkowski
Kevin Ross has been out for over a year and will returning from knee surgery. Fans are anxious to see the return of Ross and if he will look like his old self when he gets back in the ring. Chris Kwiatkowski is being considered by many a warm up fight for Ross as he eases his way back into action. Kwiatkowski, however, stated in an interview “I’m just coming in to rain on the parade.” If he is indeed able to defeat Ross it would really make things interesting and raise a lot of questions. Regardless of the outcome both fighters are exciting in the ring and this fight should prove to be full of fireworks.
Remy Bonnel vs. Shane Campbell (@ShaolinStyleMMA)
Josh Shepard vs. Damien Earley (@Earley_Damien)
Josh Shepard will be making his pro debut while Damien Earley will be fighting in his second pro bout. Both fighters have potential to be part of the next wave of North American talent to make an impact. Both fighters have exciting styles and this bout could easily end up being the fight of the night. Don’t be surprised if five years from now one or both of these fighters are considered two of the top North American fighters.